Best Meat Dish Restaurant 嘉義市: reviews

In category «meat dish restaurant» found 2 companies with reviews and contacts, top 10:

1. 肉嘞 - 嘉義市西區中山路340號
10 reviews
•今日點餐:唐揚G腿飯 涼拌魷魚足 夯肉飯(小) 裡頭是復古氛圍 配上玻璃可樂很有感覺 適合晚上帶著朋友一起過來舒服慢慢享用 一人食用也有大吧檯~ 推薦大家點唐揚雞!!真的超好吃 配上清爽小菜跟半熟蛋還有恰到剛好的醬汁 再喝上一口可樂真的好爽! 魷魚足是配上五味醬 極為清爽 當開胃菜也很適合~...

2. 強記燒臘店 - 嘉義市西區上海路250-1號
11 reviews
One of my favorite bento choices in Chiayi. And the price is fair. My first go to is the roasted chicken drumstick with honey sauce.