Best Indian Restaurant 臺北市: reviews

In category «indian restaurant» found 38 companies with reviews and contacts, top 20:

1. Balle Balle Indian Restaurant & Bar / 巴雷巴雷印度餐廳 - 台北市松山區光復北路12號1樓
23 reviews
Spent my night here with my girlfriend for the dinner, had a brilliant mutton kebab, masala chicken curry, some lovely naan and a chicken Biryani. The...

2. 維傑 印度餐廳 - 台北市中山區復興北路432號1樓
9 reviews

3. Oye Punjabi Indian Restaurant 哦耶!旁遮普 - 台北市大安區延吉街121號
28 reviews
Amazing food and the hospitality is amazing very helpful. Best service. Naans where super tasty and the pakoda was soooo good. Will be coming back

4. Taj Indian restaurant - 台北市大安區市民大道四段48巷1號
28 reviews
Extremely expensive.just a little quantity of Biryani and and cost 330NT.not favorable for second time and so on.

5. 3 Idiots Toast & Curry 三個傻瓜印度蔬食南京店 - 台北市中山區長春路318號
17 reviews
進店後才發現是素食餐廳,餐點由於是印度餐廳,非常有特色,一開始看餐點照片,一直很怕吃不飽,沒想到上菜吃了一半,就覺得開始有飽足感 隨餐都會附上生菜沙拉,整個很清爽,而且飯類的飯味道非常香,意外讓我覺得好吃 缺點是一樓是開放是廚房,料理時候聲音蠻大聲有點吵,空間有點擠,而且會有油煙味,另外是價位其實有點高,一份餐大概280-380之間,加上飲料什麼的可能會要400,但如果是想試試異國與素食料理,值得來吃吃看...

6. The Thali 塔哩印度料理 - 台北市內湖區民權東路六段312號
28 reviews


7. Saffron Fine Indian Cuisine - 台北市士林區天母東路38之6號
18 reviews
價位算高 建議4個人各點幾樣share比較好 味道滿特別的 跟一般台灣餐廳口味不同 應該算很道地的印度料理 一開始會送脆餅 之後加點要額外收費 有三種醬料 椰香、醃洋蔥、薄荷優格 味道都很清爽 這邊到咖哩都只是咖哩醬 飯要額外點 咖哩每一個口味搭配烤餅跟飯都好吃 有一道菠菜泥燴雞肉 味道很特別...

8. Mayur Indian Kitchen Restaurant bar 馬友友印度廚房 (MIK-2) - 台北市松山區民生東路三段103號
23 reviews
I ordered food from Mayur Indian, and despite sitting in the rain and a three story drop from my dorm window (long story) the food was quite delicious...

9. 阿里巴巴的廚房 Ali Baba's Indian Kitchen - 台北市中山區南京東路二段56號2樓
22 reviews
All you can eat menu on the weekend for 600 ntd. You can get free 1 drinking menu. The foods made my mouthwatering

10. 莫夏印度餐廳 Moksha Indian Restaurant - 台北市士林區中山北路六段138號
31 review
For business lunch set, I ordered chicken.taste very good. I especially like salad, the sauce is very special, I have never eaten. But everyone said...

11. 馬友友印度廚房-通化街 Mayur Indian Kitchen - 4ever / 馬友友印度清真餐廳 - 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段146巷1號2 樓
28 reviews
This place is an Indian food restaurant, so the first that you expected from this is you will see Indian waiter or waitresses. You're wrong. They have...

12. 清奈媽媽印度廚房 - 台北市大安區和平東路二段357巷2號
24 reviews
Really appreciated to deliver food in this level 3 situation, even up to 18 km (Amma’s kitchen to Taishan, New Taipei City). Food was so good with...

13. Mayur Indian Kitchen / 馬友友印度廚房 - 基隆路 - 台北市信義區基隆路一段350-7號
42 reviews
Rajasthani mutton roganjosh and tanduri chicken tikka were the best thing that I had there. Butter chicken was descent but the naans were under cooked...

14. 馬友友印度廚房 - 大直 Mayur Indian Kitchen restaurant Dazhi (MiK-hi5) - 台北市中山區北安路630巷8號
27 reviews
Awesome food and even more outstanding service. Highly recommend for family and friends gatherings!

15. 台北香料屋印度料理 Spice Shop Indian Cuisine Taipei (EST 2002) - 台北市士林區天母東路65號
27 reviews
Nice restaurant, tasty food, pleasing ambience, very clean, enthuastic staff. Recomend to visit this restaurent. Attached is a pic of chicken tikka i had...

16. 饗印印度料理Khanakhazana halal restaurant - 台北市信義區基隆路一段366號1樓
19 reviews
The restaurant is situated in front of Taipei World Trade centers and near Taipei 101. The restaurant is decorated in old traditional Indian authentic...

17. Jai Ho Indian Restaurant 翡宴印度餐廳天母分店 - No. 22之1號, 天母東路50巷士林區台北市
39 reviews
餐廳名稱很有意義 “ May the victory be yours ” 道地印度料理,二位老闆已經分別在台灣落地生根22年及30年,中文超流利,食物又好吃,是可以輕鬆享受美食的休閒餐廳。

18. 台北月見ル君想フ - 台北市大安區潮州街102號
31 review
雖然名字很日系,不過口味偏印度香料的咖哩,這次是吃肉醬跟雞肉口味,很特別也很好吃(聽說菜單隔一段時間就會換,可能每次去口味都會不一樣) 飯量不會太多,胃不大的我吃得完,如果飯不夠也可以再跟店員加,覺得這樣很貼心,也不會吃太撐或浪費食物 店面空間滿大的,還有買一些可愛的商品,很喜歡️...

19. 吉阿亞努印度餐廳 Jee Aayan Nu Indian Restaurant - 台北市中山區龍江路331巷14號
8 reviews
I recently visited this restaurant which is newly opened today. I went to have a great lunch over there. The ambience of the restaurant was unique...

20. 馬友友印度速食 Langar Indian food - 台北市松山區光復北路10號
9 reviews
外送uber 餐點:蔬菜抓飯,羊肉咖哩 看了先前的留言,有幾點評論. 1. 羊肉咖哩(單點),肉不知道哪部位? 有柴,大骨頭三塊,羊羶味很重. 咖哩都蓋不掉,份量如照片 2. 蔬菜抓飯,中規中矩,7.5分吧 羊肉咖哩385$ 飯130$...