Lungshan Temple / 艋舺龍山寺

Address 台北市萬華區廣州街211號
Phone +886 2 2302 5162
Hours 06:00-21:30
Categories Buddhist Temple, Place of Worship
Rating 4.5 15 reviews
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Lungshan Temple / 艋舺龍山寺 reviews

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23 November 2023 17:48

[#Longshanji Temple]
I visited in the evening. The temples in Taiwan are all glittering and lively. It has a very different atmosphere from Japanese temples. When I visited here, a sutra was being recited in the central hall. I don't speak Taiwanese, but when I saw that everyone had scriptures in their hands, I assumed they were reading them. Various gods are enshrined inside, and many women were seen praying fervently in front of the god of love.
If you follow the regular route, you will enter from the right and go counterclockwise, but there is a free fortune near the exit. I didn't really understand the correct etiquette, so I asked the people there, and they told me to make a set of two half-shaped wooden hearts painted red and throw them on the ground. When you go there, you pull the fortune stick, get a number, and take the fortune out of the shelf. Even if you don't understand Taiwanese, there is a lottery ticket office just inside the entrance that will give you explanations in English.
When I asked what I should do with the fortune I drew, I was told, ``The fortune you drew is a good result, so please take it home. '' In fact, there doesn't seem to be any place to tie omikuji like there is in Japan.
Apparently it's open until 10pm, so you might want to plan on visiting after dinner.

19 November 2023 9:37

I prayed for you. There are many local people who pray earnestly. We also had a fortune teller, but it was a weekday and there were no staff who could speak Japanese. It's right next to the station.

17 November 2023 13:08

There are so many people. Everyone is praying hard for something. It's smaller than I thought, so I looked around quickly and left.

13 November 2023 1:59




12 November 2023 9:57

Impressive facility. Free. A lot of people there. They pray. Groups are carried out. Quite a lot of what's happening there. Just observe something and let it work.

08 August 2023 6:46

The place is solemn, we just had a quick look of what they do inside and take some photos outside in the front area.

07 February 2021 8:57

One of the busiest and the oldest temple in Taipei. Build around 1738 by chinese folks from Fujian - China.

Lots of tourist come here either for praying or just visiting.

This temple architecture is gorgeous with chinese detailed craving throughout.

The metro station that stop nearby has the same name as this temple (Long Shan Station).

20 December 2018 21:19


16 December 2018 16:16

龍山寺是個人一直想去看看的地方。 這裡有著全台第一座吊橋式的頂樑建築。剛進寺院右邊有一道瀑布的風水牆。小小特別。
寺廟裡面供奉的其實蠻多的。 而我有點小小特殊體質。 其實裡面有幾座神像還真有靈的存在。 很建議各位去。特別是正殿的觀音菩薩 跟左後方的月老。

06 December 2018 7:35

Calming relaxed atmosphere, with highly detailed carved wood throughout. This temple is Buddhist in nature and inside you can see many traditional prayer methods being used.

05 December 2018 16:08

The most famous temple in Taipei where both local people and tourists coming here to make a wish. After enter the main gate, you would find artificial waterfall on the right side, and fountain in the pond on the left side. Inside the temple, you will hear people praying continuously. It's great to see facilities for people with disabilities such as wheelchair ramp.

03 December 2018 23:46

Ones of the most famous temples in Taipei. After visiting the temple, there are night markets nearby.

20 November 2018 11:21

Great place to see a great Chinese temple. This place is packed with worshipers and some tourists. There are several gods and it is interesting to see them how they show their devotion. I wish that they would put some English written guide when you go in the temple. The man made waterfalls is an interesting and a welcome sight.

18 November 2018 4:01


12 November 2018 8:15

I enjoyed not only the temple but the surrounding Parks, old buildings and people. A taste of olden Taiwan.

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