Best Tourist Attraction 臺北市: reviews

In category «tourist attraction» found 656 companies with reviews and contacts, top 20:

1. 華山1914文化創意產業園區 - 台北市中正區八德路一段1號
27 reviews
A good place to stroll and get your coffee fix. I think they have like around 10 cafe in the whole complex.

2. National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall / 國立中正紀念堂 - 台北市中正區
21 review
I just love to visit this place when I am in Taipei. During the weekends, kids will be rehearsing their dance moves. Nice atmosphere. Be sure to catch...

3. Taipei Zoo / 臺北市立動物園 - 台北市文山區新光路二段30號
32 reviews
Great place for kids as well as animal lovers. Lots of different animal exhibits. There's a shuttle at one end of the zoo that can take you to the...

4. Daan Forest Park / 大安森林公園 - 台北市大安區新生南路二段1號
23 reviews
Big park to have family bonding. Great place for children and adults. Peaceful place to relax and enjoy nature. Have a walk and photography

5. National Palace Museum / 國立故宮博物院 - 台北市士林區至善路二段221號
14 reviews
Must-visit in Taiwan. Conserving the essence of treasures of Chinese culture. Don't just take a look in rush, please stand up and back in front of a giant...

6. Yangmingshan National Park / 陽明山國家公園 - Taiwan
24 reviews
Nice scenic mountain. Easy access via mass transport. I enjoy strolls along the several family friendly walking trails available at the bus depot.

7. Tonghua Night Market / 臨江街觀光夜市 - 台北市大安區臨江街
16 reviews
Has the best old school traditional ice/bing carts from older gentleman with towel wrapped around his head. All his ingredients are solid, QQ, and...

8. 2/28 Peace Park / 二二八和平紀念公園 - 台北市中正區
14 reviews
Peace park, located next to the National Museum of Taiwan is a not very big but cozy greeny area. Inline with Taipei urbanistic plan, this park has...

9. Dahu Park / 大湖公園 - 台北市內湖區成功路五段31號
7 reviews
來內湖必訪的地標公園。 大人可以在這看湖光山色,找到清靜悠閒。 有小孩的人可以 來這遛小孩, 丟球或玩飛盤等, 固定時節還有落羽松可欣賞。 而且交通方便,公車和捷運都可通。 一出捷運出口就可以看到公園,出口那有間義美食品店, 可以買個小零食 點心 帶去吃。 很讚的公園!

10. Liberty Square / 自由廣場 - 台北市中正區中山南路21號
8 reviews
The scale of this place is just wow! You’ve to be here to experience the space properly. Nice surroundings and walk towards the monument. I’ll suggest...

11. The Red House / 西門紅樓 - 台北市萬華區成都路10號
25 reviews
西門紅樓位於台灣台北市萬華區的成都路上,在日治時期俗稱八角堂,緊鄰西門町徒步區。建築為兩層高的直轄市定古蹟紅磚洋樓,其外觀為每正立面8公尺,1908年所建。今為臺北市著名的文創藝文場所、展演空間與同志酒吧聚集處。 西門紅樓舊稱西門市場、新起街市場、八角堂 滬園劇場 紅樓書場 紅樓劇場...

12. 地熱谷 - 台北市北投區中山路30號之10
13 reviews
It's so good, but if you go on a steamy day, you'll die.go when you're cool with me

13. Youth Park / 青年公園 - 台北市萬華區水源路199號
12 reviews
青年公園是台北市面積第四大的公園, 附近圍繞國宅及軍宅,是台北市國宅密集地。
1914年 (大正3年) 3月21日,日軍飛行員野島銀藏在台北廳古亭莊練兵場駕駛美製螺旋槳複葉式飛機「隼號」表演飛行,故此地又稱南機場。

14. Taipei Fine Arts Museum / 臺北市立美術館 - 台北市中山區中山北路三段181號
25 reviews
Very nice little arts museum, entry fee is next to nothing, great exhibitions, well maintained entertainment, friendly staff.

15. Beitou Park - 台北市北投區光明路中山路
7 reviews

曾經以POKEMON GO而知名的公園,當前雖然不如先前吸引人,但仍是值得前往休憩的公園。內有包含北投圖書館、博物館等設施。鄰近新北投捷運站,交通便捷。

16. Chiang Kai-Shek Shilin Residence / 士林官邸 - 台北市士林區福林路60號
19 reviews
Too big to walk around for seniors. You also need ID or passport so you can get in the residence. Bring water and shades. We went there at mid high noon...

17. Dharma Drum Mountain Nung Chan Monastery / 法鼓山 農禪寺 - 台北市北投區大業路65巷89號
12 reviews
It's a museum monastery I never forgets. It's calm and picturesque. Offers lots architecture that inspires Buddhist insights and experiences. Helps me understand...

18. Ximending Walking District - 台北市萬華區漢中街50巷9號
19 reviews
西門町相信是每個來台灣旅行的朋友一定要去的地方!Everyone who comes to Taipei must need to visit this place which match up the small shop and shopping mall into this area...

19. Zhongshan Park / 中山公園 - 台北市信義區仁愛路四段505號
10 reviews
Its location is within the dr. Sun yat sen memorial hall property or should i say surrounding the hall.

20. 臺北府城 北門(承恩門) - 台北市中正區忠孝西路一段
7 reviews
清代建造的台北府北門 還好沒被改建過 真的很美⋯⋯