Orange Hotel / 桔子商旅館前店

Address 台北市中正區漢口街一段2號
Phone +886 2 2381 1155
Categories Hotel
Rating 4.6 52 reviews
Nearest branches
Orange Hotel - Ximen Taipei / 桔子商旅西門店 — 台北市萬華區中華路一段166-2號
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Orange Hotel / 桔子商旅館前店 reviews

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16 April 2023 18:53

櫃檯人員在得知, 有東西遺失時

地點非常的好, 離車站, 超商, 麥當勞都很近

05 March 2023 11:01

走進旅館1樓,推門就嗅到陣陣臭渠味迎面而来。Check in時才發现打着環保口號要三天才有人清潔房间,真係大吃一驚,住咁耐酒店從未遇過咁樣的情况,難怪一走進酒店1樓,便有陣陣臭味歡迎我們啦!除咗交通方便之外,真的數出有甚麼優點了。

19 October 2022 12:01

在桔子完成入境防疫規定,房間不大,但是乾净整潔。櫃檯24小時有人,外賣和房間備品補充都是馬上送,效率超高。食物也都很好吃,好幾餐都是大飯店餐盒,天天都有變化,不會吃膩,量很多(真的很多,兩個人吃都可以),每天都有付水果,有時還有驚喜下午茶。 有贈愛馬仕五件沐浴組,很好聞,非常喜歡。房間内有冰箱,方便儲存食物和冰礦泉水. 地點在火車站附近,退房之後,方便去下一個地點。整體真的非常讚,也會推薦給其他需要防疫旅館的朋友們。

10 October 2022 7:02

之前就有耳聞這家防疫旅店的伙食很不錯,所以這次選擇桔子商旅來作為這次的隔離旅館。餐點果然沒有讓我失望,菜色多樣加上分量都很足夠,感覺才隔離一個禮拜就會讓我長胖了 服務也相當熱心且到位,有問題在Line上作詢問都能很快的獲得回覆,還不定期會有一些小遊戲排解一下無聊的隔離生活。讓我驚豔的是旅店提供的一些備品,都是相當實用的小物,果然很替我們這些長年在外漂泊的人著想!旅店的空間是小了一些,但對於單人短期入住也還是完全沒有問題的,離北車也近,想點外送或是之後的交通也是很方便的。總的來說,是間麻雀雖小 五臟俱全的隔離旅店,有吃又有拿 可以無憂無慮的度過隔離的日子~

02 October 2022 15:36

I stayed at the Orange Hotel for an 8 day quarantine after flying in from the U. S. The staff member helped me carry my bags up to the 10th floor after check-in. The room was well stocked with clean towels and sheets, complimentary bathroom products, and teas, coffee, and waterbottles. If I needed anything, I just had to message the front desk and they delivered it right away. They provided 3 meals a day on time. This hotel also gave me some complimentary gifts for quarantine, including a thermometer, plug adaptor, phone stand, slippers, a mug, and reusable containers/silverware/chopsticks. It is a great location with a nice view (pictured) and good area. I got to visit the Peace Memorial Park after my isolation period ended. Great place to stay!

28 September 2022 11:09

I stayed here for 7 nights. The package of quarantine is well-prepared. For those who are not familiar with Chinese, they provide thorough and detail info of everything you should notice in English. You are allowed to order food through online platforms, like Uber Eat, Foodpanda, etc. All requests of cleaned towels, cleaning agents will accepted and be deliver in a short period of time. The service of the front desk is excellent. If you have any enquiries, they will reply your concerns in just a minute. It is not an exaggeration. For example, I needed a new bath towel. I just texted to the front desk through Line for 2 minutes. They just sent the towel for me after 1 minute. It was a real surprise for me.

After all, if I have to do another quarantine period, I will choose Orange Hotel again. There are three simple reasons. The price is reasonable. It costs 3200NT per night (3500 NT per night, meals included). I highly recommend you to book the quarantine package with meals as it is relatively cheaper than ordering food through online platforms. The location is near to public transport, like MRT. If you need to travel to other places, like southern or eastern Taiwan after the quarantine, this hotel will be the best place to stay that it is near the transportation hub (train, airport express, bus, MRT, etc.). Their service is excellent. Their English info are accessible. They are so considerate for those who have different eating habits. In general, these are good and important points for choosing a quarantine hotel. Orange Hotel is my top list of the quarantine hotel.

26 September 2022 13:10

The hotel is situated in the heart of Taipei with all major amenities and has a convenience store near it. The hotel has a lift system and reception is situated near the entrance gate. The rooms are clean, and comfortable with all equities. The washrooms are western and well equipped with modern amenities. The staffs are friendly and professional. You must try the food here. It is one of the best and most affordable hotels in Taipei with all comfort and support from the staff.

26 September 2022 5:48


25 September 2022 10:45

I flew back to Taiwan in the middle of August and just booked my quarantine hotel at the end of July. I was kinda afraid that the available quarantine hotels would not be that good since the good ones are already fully booked. However, I figured out that Orange Hotel has crossed over my expectation. I arrived in Taiwan in the middle of the night (around midnight) and they welcomed me with friendliness as I am welcomed by beloved friends and family. In terms of providing daily necessities, they are also really careful and detailed. They provide almost everything you need, such as mineral water, shampoo, soap, conditioner, comb, razor, coffee, tea, etc. What surprises me the most is that the meal here looks pretty appetizing and delicious. The staffs are also extremely nimble, as every time I inquire about something, they deliver it right after. It has been a pleasant experience staying in Orange Hotel and they have earned my trust and loyalty to this hotel.

24 September 2022 8:54


19 September 2022 16:19

For my quarantine in Taiwan, I decided to choose Orange Hotel as my quarantine hotel, mainly because of the affordable price compared to other quarantine hotels in Taipei, and its strategic location so close to Taipei Main Station, which will be a convenience for my check out later on.

Upon my reservation, the hotel has given me a great first impression, their employee who manages the LINE is able to speak english with me, and has been very accommodating to my arrival needs. Upon my arrival, I saw the employee who greeted me was cautious for their safety and mine as well, they provided sanitation and assisted me with my luggage safely.

For the room, the utmost important thing for me is cleanliness. So when arriving in my room, I immediately check the cleanliness of the bed and the bathroom, and I can say that I am satisfied. Besides that, I love the amenities they provide, they give the basic amenities such as towels, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, hotel sandal (a comfy one as well), tea, and coffee. What impressed me is their other amenities; they also give me some small hermes body amenities, international charger (which is crucial for me who came from another country, so I really appreciate that), cutleries, a glass, a bowl, dish soap, and even a laundry detergent. They also have instructions and manuals in english, which helps me a lot in understanding how the quarantine hotel works and what my room’s facilities are. Another aspect I really appreciate is how fast they respond to my LINE whenever I have any inquiry.

The only downside that I can say about my stay is I don’t really like the scent of the shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, and laundry detergent they provide, however this is very subjective as each person’s preference would definitely be different. I can think of a close friend of mine who would love the scent of these products.

All in all, thank you for the hotel accommodating me during my quarantine period. If you are still unsure where to stay during your quarantine, I’d gladly recommend this hotel.

Here are some pictures I took during my stay as well as some of the food they provided me:)
Ps: please don't mind the messy room~

18 September 2022 22:08

時隔快三年 終於 在幾天前踏上台灣的土地️ 出發前 認真做功課 為的是找尋自己喜歡的防疫旅館 千比較 萬比較之下 終於~訂下桔子商旅館前店
桔子商旅很是符合我所需要的點 房價不高 餐點好吃 地點良好 更重要的是 它有補助防疫計程車的費用!
我一個人回來 於是訂了無窗單人房 小嗎?一個人剛剛好的空間 悶嗎?我是很享受這樣的感覺 麻雀雖小 五臟俱全 需要的生活備品 一點都不馬虎
櫃檯人員很是親切 回覆也快 有問題 有需求 利用line 傳一下 答案隨時知道 完全不拖摸
最值得稱讚的是他們提供的餐點 真的是恐怖的好吃 每天 每餐 都讓人覺得很用心 不全用便當打發 以至於每天都很期待“下一餐會是什麼菜色呢?”
真的很感謝每位員工 很認真 很努力地做防疫工作 也辛苦他們了️

15 September 2022 5:41

這次回國隔離在飯店選擇上花了很多心思,網路上到處爬文,最後看了評價選擇orange hotel。老實說,來之前有點半信半疑是不是真的服務那麼好,但入住之後完全打消疑慮了~一進門工作人員會先給鞋套穿上,然後幫忙把行李消毒之後送到房間門口,態度非常親切友善!一樓進門是需要按鈴的,房客的話可以刷卡進入,覺得安全相對有保障而且不會有閒雜人等。
因為沒有訂飯店的餐點,三餐都是叫foodpanda ,需要麻煩飯店人員幫忙送上來,他們每次都速度很快完全不會拖延,兩年多前住的另一間隔離旅館都讓我等很久 (好幾個小時⋯⋯)
廁所跟淋浴設備非常乾淨 (這個超重要哈哈XDD) 房間備品的部分有缺隨時可以用line跟飯店聯繫,回覆都很及時,工作人員很快就送到房間了~另外因為回台灣要用美國時差作息但即使半夜他們的line都在線!

15 September 2022 2:20




01 September 2022 7:37

The steps for quarantine in this hotel is clear, so it is not difficult to prepare anything. A lot of utilities have been prepared in the room already, so that you do not need to ask for anything at least for the first few days (lots of water, bath utilities, universal adaptor, thermometre, etc). The meals from hotel all tastes good and in a great amount. The view is also not bad from my room. When quarantine period is finished, there are many stores and food places nearby so no public transport is needed to go around.

26 August 2022 20:41




28 February 2022 13:18


27 February 2022 2:32

入住後令人驚豔的便是菜單,餐盒到手時仍溫熱, 份量足夠且美味,不僅有老字號天成飯店, 欣葉飯店還有特製健康水煮餐盒,讓人在隔離的苦悶空間中,仍可以吃得健康有活力,另外適逢冬至也在下午時送上應景的湯圓,客服人員也十分貼心地在我生日時送上小蛋糕.
入住前由於房位搶手僅能選擇無窗房,房間雖是單人小套房,也做到浴室乾濕分離且隔離的清潔用具, 洗潔精, 酒精,準備不足的人完全不用擔心,桔子旅館都準備地妥妥當當.
最後感謝客服人員不辭辛勞且冒著風險服務我們這些返鄉過年人士. 希望大家都平安過好年

22 February 2022 7:14

台北市中心 高CP值的防疫旅館!推薦!


入住的每一餐都很滿意,旅館的人挑選的餐點非常棒~ 午晚餐都還有附上水果,很不錯!在入住期間完全不用多叫外賣、水什麼的,全都安排的很好!對於隔離期間還要工作的人來說什麼都不用煩惱。


15 February 2022 5:51

入住到現在覺得時間過得真快呀~ 一轉眼就要隔離結束了,整個住宿過程體驗很好,旅館有專門的 line客服,有任何消耗品~ 像是礦泉水、抽取式衛生紙、廁所衛生紙、沐浴乳、牙膏等用完了,都可以再跟旅館工作人員拿。而我個人需求關係,要了一盞檯燈,雖然第一個拿到的檯燈因接觸不良而無法使用,但是告知旅館後,就馬上再換一個給我了,處理效率很快。女性住戶還有貼心的小禮物及服務喔!

此外,我對於房間的設備很滿意,我住的是最便宜的無窗房型,房間的空間比我想像中大,放了瑜珈墊之後,還有充足的空間可以使用,行走、放雜物 & 行李 (小行李箱可攤開放著) 都沒問題,房間內也有比我想像中大的書桌,自行調整物品擺放後,除了電腦工作區之外,也有很充足的空間可以吃飯、放雜物。浴室、洗手台也都有很大的空間,而且乾濕分離,非常棒!


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